Unless otherwise noted below,
Monthly Meetings are held at King of Glory Lutheran Church 3430 N Maple Grove Rd, Boise 83704 7:00 pm for social time, meeting starts at 7:30. January 17, 2024 - Patricia Harding speaks on eco-tourism Cancelled due to weather February 21- Zoom presentation on Pleurothallids by Luiz Filipe Varella a Brazilian orchidist March 16 - TVOS is going to be at Franz Witte Nursery which is on the corner of Chinden and 11th Ave. North, Nampa. Saturday (March 16, 2024), at 2pm, for an orchid class: orchid care tips, a repotting demonstration, and Q&A. We'll have care sheets for Phalaenopsis and Oncidiums available and will host a raffle drawing for an Oncidium. Please come join us! March 20 - Recap of AOS webinar and repotting demo April 17 - Time to get ready for the Show and Sale! May 4-5 - Annual Show and Sale at the Hilton Garden Inn October 16 - video of “Plants Behaving Badly” and Nick Roberts will share his extensive knowledge about carnivorous plants. November 20- Zoom presentation by author and AOS judge, Patricia Harding, on Eco-Tourism. December 18, we’ll be having our annual meeting and our holiday party and potluck. We have the dates for the 2025 Orchid show. It will be March 15 and 16 |